Araştırma Grupları
Science and Methods of Computing (Bilgisayım Bilimi ve Yöntemleri)
This is a research group working on the decomposition of multivariate objects like multivariate functions and multiway arrays through high dimensional model representation (HDMR) and enhanced multivariance products representation (EMPR), probabilistic evolution theory, mathematical fluctuation theory, Kronecker power series, quantum and statistical dynamical expectation value dynamics and so on. Most active part of the group members are appearing as contributors to this event. The remaining ones are either inactive in group activities or just follow the activities as observers. The following URL can be used to get into more details about the group: However it is in Turkish and designed basically for group’s local needs. For this moment there is no english web site for this group. The curious readers who wants to get more details about the group can contact with Metin Demiralp.
BEBBYT is an acronym for turkish statement “Bilişim Enstitüsü Bilgisayım Bilimi ve Yöntemleri Topluluğu” which is word to word english counterpart of the statement “Informatics Institute Group for Science and Methods of Computing“. Turkish counterparts of the words in this statement are as follows: Informatics: Bilişim, Institute: Enstitüsü, Group for: Topluluğu, Science (of): Bilimi, and: ve, Methods (of): Yöntemleri, Computing: Bilgisayım.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (Hesaplamalı Akışkanlar Dinamiği)
Research Topics
- Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Modelling, Quasi-Newton based Coupling Techniques
- Fluid-Structure-Thermal Interaction Modelling
- Large scale LES and DNS Modelling
- Design Optimization based on coupled CFD and Structural Modelling
- LES Sub-Grid Scale Turbulence Modeling for Two Phase Flows
- Multi-scale and Multi-physics Modelling in Bio-flows
- Macro- and Microgravity Liquid Sloshing
- Cryogenic Hypersonic Tank Sloshing
- Coupled Sloshing and Vehicle Dynamics
- Blood Flow Modeling in a Viscoelastic Artery and Arterial Network of a Human
Research Group Director:
Prof. Dr. M. Serdar Çelebi
Computational Biomechanics (Hesaplamalı Biomekanik)
Research Topics
- Growth and Remodeling of Soft Tissues
- Modelling Human Arterial Network
- Vessel Segmentation and Surface Reconstruction Techniques for Medical Images
- Simulation of Clot Cascading Process in Blood Flow
- Modeling of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
- Multi-Physics Modeling of Blood Rheology
- Multi-Phase Modeling of Blood Rheology

About the group
Biomechanics is the application of mechanical principles including the bioengineering concepts and the research and analysis of the mechanics to living organisms. In the biomechanical research, by using the engineering methods, the motion pattern of living organisms, how this motion is controlled and to investigate the influence of the interacting structure under the force system which are sourced from different parts of the organism during the mechanical movement activity is tried to be understood. It is also tried to be analyzed the stress-strain components of mechanical loading measured through living or non-living tissue where the treatments are also tested and improved.
Especially for the last 20 years, the biomechanics field has achieved advanced improvements both in academical works and industrial applications. Whether by the view of instrumentation or operation techniques, the new advancements in the dense headings such as, engineering, nanotechnology, computer science, robotics and advanced material science has started to be applied in medical science, eventually the overall work progress in the biomechanics field has accelerated.
As being established in 1999, in the Institute of Informatics the Computational biomechanics group has been working actively under the Computational Science and Engineering Graduade programme with a strong support of computer infrastructure. The group heavily concentrate on the computational fluid dynamics, vessel structure and in vitro tissue modelling.
Research Group Director:
Prof. Dr. M. Serdar Çelebi
For more information please visit the group webpage.
Computational Chemistry and Biology (Hesaplamalı Kimya ve Biyoloji)
Research Group Director:
Prof. Dr. F. Aylin Sungur
Research Group Members:
Ahmet Tuncer Durak
Erdem Çiçek
Semra Özdemir Salihoğlu
Nesrin Işıl Yaşar
Aslıhan Başak Dağ
Ayşenur Öztürk
Elnaz Ghafuri
TC&CDEM (Theoretical Chemistry & Computational Design of Energy Materials (Teorik Kimya ve Enerji Malzemeleri)
Research Topics
About the group
Our group conduct research in four major areas: Global Optimization, Crsytal structure Prediction, Energy & Environmental Sciences and Theoretical Chemistry. In global optimization, we develop heuristic methods like genetic algorithm and apply them to interesting chemical or physical problems. The crystal structure prediction is one of these problems and for this purpose we developed a new method named as CrystAl Structure Prediction via Simulated Annealing (CASPESA). This method has already been applied to reveal the structures of many Energy Materials like metal borohydrides and metal ammines. In addition, we also employ periodic DFT computations to design new materials. The materials we interested are hydrogen storage, CO2 capture and heterogeneous catalysis. In Theoretical chemistry area, the computation of intermolecular interaction using high-accurate techniques is one of the most active research subject of ours. By the help of these computations, we also develop force fields especially for biologically related systems like DNA. Furthermore, we extensively apply computational modelling and molecular dynamics simulation techniques to solve some chemical or physical problems such as drug delivery.
Research Group Director:
Prof. Dr. Adem Tekin
TC & CDEM Group Members
Adem Tekin
Samet Demir
Mehmet Çankaya
Gözde İniş Demir
Ömer Batu Kurtarel
Denizhan Tutar
Somayyeh Alidoust
Cem Oran
Fatemeh Jamali
Merve Kalpar
TC & CDEM Laboratory
Our fundamental computing resources are the computing cluster named MARS located in the Informatics institute and several other rack servers provided by TUBITAK projects.
The following software can be run on these systems;
Turbomole, Molpro, Gaussian, Quantum Espresso, Dacapo, GPAW, Materials Studio, LAMPPS
Contact Info for TC & CDEM Research Group Director
İstanbul Technical University Informatics Institute
Computational Science & Engineering
Maslak, Sariyer 34469 Istanbul
Phone: +90 212 285 69 52
Computational Linear Algebra (Hesaplamalı Doğrusal Cebir)
Research Topics
- Designing Scalable Algorithms for Large Scale Linear Set of Equations
- Scalable Linear Sparse Solvers for Many-core Distributed Systems
- Scalable Linear Sparse Solvers for Heterogenous Systems
- Nonlinear Algebra: Large Scale Nonlinear Equations
- Large Scale Unconstraint optimization
- Thrust Region (Levenberg-Marquardt) and Line Search Methods
- Quasi-Newton (Inexact Newton Methods)
- Barzilai & Borwein (BB) Like Methods
- BFGS like Quasi-Newton Methods
- Powel Symmetric Broyden (PSB) and Symmeric Rank one (SR1) Methods
- Hybrid Nonlinear Solvers
- Hybrid (Direct and Iterative) Sparse Linear Solvers
About the Group
Computational linear algebra is the study of algorithms for performing linear algebra computations, most notably matrix operations, on computers. It is often a fundamental part of engineering and computational science problems, such as image and signal processing, telecommunication, computational finance, materials science simulations, structural biology, data mining, and bioinformatics, fluid dynamics, and many other areas. Such software relies heavily on the development, analysis, and implementation of state-of-the-art algorithms for solving various numerical linear algebra problems, in large part because of the role of matrices in finite difference and finite element methods.
Common problems in numerical linear algebra include computing the following: LU decomposition, QR decomposition, Singular value decomposition, eigenvalues.
As being established in 2011, in the Institute of Informatics the Computational linear algebra group has been working actively under the Computational Science and Engineering Graduate programme with a strong support of computer infrastructure. The group heavily concentrates on the multigrid methods, scalable parallel algorithms for linear systems and preconditioners.
Research Group Director:
Prof. Dr. M. Serdar Çelebi
Parallel Computing (Paralel Hesaplama)
Research Topics
- Parallelization Approaches for Numerical Algorithms
- Communication Avoiding Algorithms
- Performance Measurement and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms
- Application Scaling on Extreme Large Scale Systems
- Resiliance and Fault Tolerancy of Applications on Large Scale Systems
- Scalability of Linear Solvers on GPGPU's
- Parallel Large Scale Scientific Visualization
Research Group Director:
Prof. Dr. M. Serdar Çelebi
Cyber-Physical Security and Cryptographic Engineering
About the Group
Cyber-physical (CPS) systems are engineered systems that are built from, and depend upon, the seamless integration of computational algorithms and physical components. They provide functionality to infrastructure systems in aviation, automotive, rail, healthcare, telephony and network, utilities and electrical power generation and distribution. Most cyber-physical system components—particularly those of critical nature—are networked using wireless and wired communication networks, embedded processors, sensors and actuators. They interact with humans and the rest of the physical world, deliver critical real-time data, and support guaranteed performance. Cyber-physical systems can provide much richer functionality, efficiency, autonomy and reliability than manually controlled and loosely coupled systems. However, they also create inherent vulnerabilities related to privacy, security, robustness and reliability of the underlying components and as a whole system. Because CPS can be significantly faster than humans or they can control and coordinate large-scale systems (such as the electrical grid), security and reliability issues are critically important.
In the coming years, cryptography will become integral to CPS; from the controller of a braking system, to server and client computers, to handheld, portable, and wireless devices, all interacting devices will have to be capable of encrypting and decrypting or signing and verifying messages. That is to say, without exception, all networked computers and devices must have cryptographic layers implemented, and must be able to access cryptographic functions in order to provide security features. In this context, efficient (in terms of time, area, and power consumption) hardware structures will have to be designed, implemented, and deployed. Furthermore, general-purpose (platform-independent) as well as special-purpose software implementing cryptographic functions on embedded devices are needed. An additional challenge is that these implementations should be done in such a way to resist cryptanalytic attacks launched against them by adversaries having access to primary (communication) and secondary (timing, power, electromagnetic, acoustic) channels .
Research Group Director:
Prof. Dr. Çetin Kaya Koç
Group Members:
Assist. Prof. Dr. Enver Özdemir
İhsan Çiçek
İsmail San
Mustafa Parlak